MT-Request Transaction

This command can be used to Request transaction.

Function Name: requestTransaction()
Method: GET
Resource URL:


Parameters Value Description
strUsername String Login Username
strAuthKey String Your Auth Key
strSenderID String Sender ID
strRcvrId String Receiver ID
strClientTrans String Unique client transaction id from client side
strAmt Double Amount (eg. 10.00)
strTransMode Integer Mode of transaction (Choose one from this- AUTO,NEFT,IMPS)
format Integer To Get Response In Different Format, example. For JSON (Default) = 1 , CSV = 2, XML = 3

You can test GET based API directly in broswer also or you can use following URL for testing API:

URL for tesing API directly in browser: &strRcvrId=123456&strClientTrans=4415415&strAmt=10&strTransMode=AUTO&format=1

Response Parameteres

Parameters Description
status status = success; status = failed.
senderid If status is success it returns senderid eg. 55555, else it returns 0.
receiverid If status is success it returns receiverid eg. 444444, else it returns 0.
transaction_id If status is success it returns transaction id eg. 2366, else it returns 0.
client_trans_no If status is success it returns Client trans id eg. 2366, else it returns 0.
amount If transactions is success it returns amount eg. 2000.00, else it returns 0.00.
status status = success; status = failed.
message Response message.
time It returns current date time. eg. 2016-01-10 11:45:00

Sample Response

  "transactionDetails": [  
    "status": "success", 
    "senderid": "44444", 
    "receiverid": "55555", 
    "transaction_id": "454545", 
    "client_trans_no": "877788", 
    "amount": "2000.00",  
    "message": "Transaction Request Process Successfully!Use Otp Sent to your mobile for confirm Transaction!",  
    "time": "2016-01-10 11:45:00",  

 success,44444,555555,454545,877788,0.00,Transaction Request Process Successfully!Use Otp Sent to your mobile for confirm Transaction!,2016-01-10 11:45:00 
 (Status,Senderid,Rcvrid,Trans no,Client trans no,amount,Message,time)  
     <message>Transaction Request Process Successfully!Use Otp Sent to your mobile for confirm Transaction!</message>  
     <time>2016-01-10 11:45:00</time>  