Broadband Bill Payment

This command can be used to make payment for Broadband bill.

Function Name: MakeBrodbandBillPayment()
Method: POST
Resource URL:
Method: GET
Resource URL:


Parameters Value Description
strUsername String Unique User name
strAuthKey String Your Auth Key
intOperatorType Integer Operator Type id: 11
intOperatorID Integer Operator ID like 87,88 click here to check Operator name and id
strAccountNo String User id/Customer id like 16223423
dblAmount Double Amount like 100.00 or 125.00
strIPAddress String Your IP Address like
strMyTxID String Unique ID from your side
format Integer To Get Response In Different Format, example. For JSON (Default) = 1 , CSV = 2, XML = 3

List of Operators

Operator ID Operator Name
87 Tikona ISP - Broadband Bill
88 Hathway - Broadband Bill

You can't test POST based API directly in browser so you have to use following URL for testing API:

You can test GET based API directly in broswer also or you can use following URL for testing API:

URL for tesing API directly in browser: &intOperatorType=11&intOperatorType=11&intOperatorID=85&strAccountNo=11111111111 &dblAmount=0&strIPAddress=192&strMyTxID=Win7&format=1

Sample Response

   "MakeBrodbandBillPayment": [  
       "message": "OOPs! You do not have sufficient balance.",  
       "recharge_status": "Failed",  
       "trans_id": "NA",  
       "opr_trans_id": "NA"  
   "success": 1  

						OOPs! You do not have sufficient balance.,Failed,NA,NA 
message,status,transaction_id,transanction id)
     <message>OOPs! You do not have sufficient balance.</message>  